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  1. Description of strong current interference of peripherals


    First of all, let's understand the essential reason of strong electric interference. Inductive loads such as relays, contactors and electromagnets in the circuit of numerical control encircling machine will produce reverse voltage or impulse current when waiting for power failure, which will form interference signals.

  2. Irregular lines appear on the peripheral display


    When the external pressure increases, the internal motivation should be enhanced. If irregular lines or symbols appear on the peripheral display, the staff can find out the reasons from two aspects. The display control board of a computer. Replace the new control board to see if it returns to normal. Secondly, check the main board of the encircling machine and check the alarm indicator to eliminat

  3. The skill of LED for luminous words


    White LED as a semiconductor light source, compared with the traditional lighting source, its power consumption is only about 20% of the latter. The service life is as long as 100000 hours, which is dozens of times of the ordinary lamp tube. It has good reliability and low protection cost.